Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Menangis itu cengeng?

Menangis itu cengeng? kalau menangis di atas tikar sejadah? kalau menangis semasa solat? kalau menangis semasa membaca Al-Quran? kalau menangis kerana menyebut nama Allah? kalau menangis kerana takut dengan azab Allah? & the list goes on an on and on and on... itu semua di kira cengeng jugak? 

*S u b h a n a l l a h*

Diharuskan menangis dalam solat kerana takutkan Allah SWT, takut akan seksanya serta takut amalan tidak diterima oleh-Nya. Ia merupakan sifat ahli takwa, yang sentiasa mendambakan keredaan dah kasih sayang-Nya yang Maha Agung.
Tidak semua kita yang mampu mengalirkan air mata dalam solat. Malahan hanya sedikit yang menangis dalam solat. Tangisan dalam solat sangat bermakna di hadapan Allah SWT.
Menangis dalam solat adalah antara ciri orang yang beriman kepada Allah swt, firman-Nya yang bermaksud: …apabila dibacakan kepada mereka ayat-ayat (Allah) Ar-Rahman, mereka segera sujud serta menangis. (Maryam: 58) - Sources : 

Chinese New Year * Water Dragon*

Sorry for the LONG delay between posts. I wish I could say that I had been freaking busy with my load workssss but the honest truth is that I simply was lazy *hahahah*. So, now begins the series of ‘catch up’ posts to bring you up-to -date to me and empty my draft box...

Chinese New Year has just passed...I am terribly disappointed in myself for not having the foresight to enjoy any special Chinese foods for this year's CNY celebration..since it's a long weekend,so i'd planned to go back to sandakan.. kinda missed my parents & mama's food!

i know I'm a little slow to post this about Chinese New Year,NEVERMIND... life's been slapping me around a bit recently... =(

2012 is years of a Water Dragon~  Chinese people believe that the dragon is associated with success and fortune~ based on what I read from may articles, everything will be tenfold, everything will be intense. You can win big, you can lose big. Be in the state of mind that you’ll win big. Don’t even entertain the it?  =)  Just go for it and give it all you've got. for instance.. So my usual plan of attack is this... if they say it’s a good year, I believe it...but if they say it’s a bad year, then I buck the odds....Hahhahaah~ as easy as ABC!  I’m not about to crawl under a rock for an entire year just because it’s “not my year”. So it’s nice to know the general trend for each year, but I say let’s make our own destinies rock! 


Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Book Review

If you could see me now - Cecelia Ahern

Love can be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. But what if love was right there in front of you and you just couldn't see it? *LOVE IS BLIND haha* I think we're might be influenced by movies and TV  that it's a lot easier to establish a relationship by having a person fall for another person by looking at them and then doing something stupid rather than show the drawn out process of talking to one another, getting to know one another and then realizing you're in love with the other person. Some people might say that love is blind, but sometimes love at first sight can exist too, but more often in movies than in real life. Hmmmmmm.....think that love at first sight can be somewhat superficial.. *Smirk Face*

Well..well...well..I think there is "lust" at first sight, but not love. Love is something deeper then a simple glance. That is way too shallow for true love...THAT WAS ONLY MY OPINION... Don't take it serious & make it like a big issue & start to curse me for whatever your reason coz you might think differently la kay~ =) 

Anyways..I'm not goin to elaborate MORE about LOVE..coz that is not my topic today...I've just done reading a book from Cecelia Ahern - If You Could See Me Now~  It made me cry & laugh  BUT definitely worth the read! I just admire how did Cecelia  puts the words together to give such a HUGE impact~ *especially on me* The story tell us  a lot on how much people need friendship and love and it also tells us that love is not necessary to be together  "you can love without see each long as you can feel it" 

At the age of six, Luke claims to have a friend named Ivan whom Elizabeth cannot see. 
Though at first she is exasperated with this imaginary friend, 
she starts playing along with Luke when she learns that imaginary friends 
will only last about 3 months.Though invisible to most, Ivan is real. 
Only Luke and Saoirse can see him, though he comes to realise that 
Elizabeth can feel his presence. Knowing that only people who are in real need 
of a friend are able to see him, he follows Elizabeth around. 
When, suddenly, she is able to see him, Ivan is delighted, but disappointed just 
as quickly when she thinks him to be the father of one of Luke's friends. 
A friendship which soon turns into romance blossoms between them.

One day, when Elizabeth is hosting a party, she is no longer able to see Ivan 
and he realises it is time to move on to a new friend. 
Ivan visits Elizabeth in a dream telling her that he was 
glad he met her and etc. A few days later, Elizabeth realizes that he was 
Luke's 'imaginary' friend.They go their separate ways, and not only 
Elizabeth but Ivan as well are changed by the experience. 
Elizabeth is more relaxed and Ivan admits that Elizabeth has been by far his favorite friend.

*sources : Synopsis - Wikipedia  


Hard Disc New Clothe!

Introducing A New Casing for Mr. External Hard Disc!

P/s : i know its messy, pffft..just ignore! =)

My craft stash is a mess...I know that.. *hahahahah* I have a ton of supplies in random boxes throughout my room and I need to get a handle on gathering it all together in one place... *sigh* 

Anyways..this is my another project that i have successfully made.. *it took me almost 5 hours to get it DONE* ...i never like leather casing (it comes together with the external hard disc when i bought it) i have decided to make a new clothe for it! I saw in one blog,she made a hand made casing for the external.. although I'm not that good enough in "sewing"...i just give it a try! and tadaaaa~ ive made it! =D 

Owh yeah..btw, the fabric character is actually called MATRYOSYKA.. i love Matryosyka~ it is actually a Russian nesting doll which is a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside the other. The word "matryoshka" , literally "little matron", is a diminutive  form of the Russian female first name "Matryona" ). (sources : Wikipedia)

Coool~ i just got to know the history of  Matryosyka..which i actually thought it came from Japanese word? Okay... take a look at these pictures! Awww.... i wonder if i make baju kurung with this fabric..mesti CUTE kan? *dreaaaam On Iraa*

This is CUTE~! another idea for the craft! *pincushion* 
Russian Stacking Dolls Matryosyka~ 

Monday, 9 January 2012

D.U.R.I.A.N ?

The world's best exotic desserts ever! *is it?*

Most people referred Durian as the KING OF FRUIT! okay then many of you guys are seriously crazy with DURIAN??? *OooOo i can see a lot of people raised their hand*

I wish I liked durian but I have had it several times and i am seriously can't get past the smell to try it ..its just i think the taste really made me feel like vommittt zillion times~! *sorry offense*

But to the durian lover i knw the taste really like a taste to crave for... * you knw what i mean? naah..its okay*  I guess you know what I mean, if you like it, you taste it differently, if you hate you, your taste bud will kill it. 

For me..i have loads of reason on why i hate durian *err..its not HATE,its just i CANT eat durian*
  • The Smells (seriously i feel like fainted when i smell the durian)
  • The tastes  (candy? ice cream? cream puff? cakes?? Noooo..i cant tolerate the taste)
  • The Smells
  • The Smells
  • The Smells
  • The Tastes
  • The Tastes
  • The Tastes
  • The Tastes 
Errr...i think i wrote the same things over and over again... ahah.. sorry~ that's it! 

Sunday, 8 January 2012

~ Felt craft ~

I've had enjoyed making felt craft lately, but have been so scattered that I couldn't figure out what I wanted to make. Originally, I thought I would make my blackberry casing..n yeah! Ive made few of them..but since,my BB has been seriously dying *hahaha* so..i did another thing! *pity my BB* (will update on my next entry post)

Well..hey,i have most of the equipment to start my craft thingy..from mini sewing machine to every details of the i think its time to make it as my SERIOUS hobby!! 

That was only the beginning..there was no end to the projects that i could complete. I searched out the pictures & few patterns thru the net  to be followed & try to make it myself~

Few of cute fabrics for the craft~ 
Isn't it gorgeous?? kan? kan? kan? =D

 Vintage cotton tape =)))
Beautiful cotton tape with vintage design & a quote

Friday, 6 January 2012

*** Istikharah ***


Alhamdulillah..its Friday & praised to Allah for what we have now & be thankful as we are still alive *heheee*

Several people *including me* I know are confused on the topic of istikharah. Is it meant to be done several times in a row until a decision is made or once is considered enough? tooo many questions running wild in your head is it?  *or im the only one?* 

When we perfom istikharah , we don't always get the answer in a dream...Remember that~  this is where most people mess up.. the answer can come in many forms such as things happening to keep you from doing don't just be open to your dreams be receptive to everything and keep your eyes and ears ready..for whatever the result it is..there would always be reason behind it~!  
I've read a lot of people's story and experiences about Istikharah & Dreams..some were hoping to get the results right after they perform the solat..and few of them waiting hopelesssly for a dream to tell them the result..and some just straight away made their decision right after they got the dream *even if they are actually not confident enough with what they are doing*

Someone advised me to perform istikharah together with Solat Taubat & Solat Hajat..ive done that before, alhamdulillah things went smoothly perfect..its not that i got the answer *on who to chooose*  but..there's something inside of me that seriously made me feel calm..that strange feeelings actually made me strong & being rational in making decision. *alhamdulillah* 

Therefore in that sense i believe that most of you may also have been guided away from your situation in some weird and mysterious ready for anything & have faith with Allah..He knows the best & even if its sometimes happen out of what you're hoping happens for a seriously..we can always plan but He's the one who make it happen..*kun Fa Ya Kun*

"May Allah bless us with divine guidance from Himself and may He give us the understanding to make the correct decisions and may He put goodness in whatever He chooses for us to do. Amin~ Amin~ Amin ya rabbal alamin~ "

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Have you ever heard about Pre-Mentrual Syndrome?

Do you experience PMS during your period? or you have girlfriend,wife,sisters,cousins,aunties or maybe your mom who act weirdly during their period?? 

Well,the symptom might be normal for women who experienced the situation..but NOT for guys. Probably the biggest complaints of those dealing with PMS are mood swings..

Like me..every month I seem to go through the emotional wringer. I have several days of increasing irritability, followed by one day of anger, and then a day or two of depression and guilt over the way I've treated people.

Women are all different. Some get PMS, some (lucky ones) don't. And of those who get PMS, we all get different symptoms. Some physical, some emotional, some both. And some women are able to recognize it at the time (my friend will call me in tears thinking that her BF is about to leave her and at the same time say "I'm probably just being irrational, I'm due on so it's probably just PMS but I still feel this way") and some like me won't be able to recognize it until afterwards because it all seems SO REAL at that time... *funny rite?*

Here a list of emotions that alongside changing mood, can appear rapidly during your PMS :
  • Increased emotional reactivity
  • Depression
  • Tearfulness
  • Irritability
  • Anger
  • Anxiety 
Take a look at this You Tube - vlogging done by Maria Elena..I found this a long time ago, and it has loadsss of useful info & SHE'S DAYM FUNNY...hahah~ i love to see her vlogging~ Go Maria..Goooo~

Sources : "Adult Mood Swings". The Health Center.  

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

~ Welcoming 2012 ~

So I just returned from my other world.. *haha*
I didn't have time to even open my blogspot account for the last couples of month err..almost a year i think~ , so I'll start working on this blog very soon from now... *insyaAllah*

This blog was actually made for an update that related to my handy-craft hobbies activity which i have create & done a lot recently.. but yah, its okay.. i love to write & share things i love to each and everyone.. <3 

The Resolutions?? i have Loooong list to achieve this year! for whatever your resolutions & hope it is, may this 2012 bring more & great opportunity & happiness to evryone ... praying hard that everything will be alright & may Allah bless us thru every path we've take .. *amin ya rabbal alamin*